Contests are a special in-game activity held to help you earn useful Craftsmen resources and points. Competitions are played out among groups of farmers (group max: 100 farmers).
Even though groups are formed randomly, it still happens that you can be on a team with the same farmer twice or even more. Look at this more as an advantage... Who knows, maybe that farmer becomes your most active friend in the game!
All farmer under lvl 25 have their own set of tasks.
Contests last 7 days, from Monday to Sunday, and are formed on the basis of 7 daily tasks. Each one of them consists of three simpler tasks: for example, plant vegetables, make an item or cook food.
You earn Contest Points when you complete these tasks. Once you hit a certain amount of points in a day, you get a daily prize in the form of Craftsman points or useful resources (fertilizer, vitamins and animal feed).
A special timer in the Contest menu shows how long until the next task starts. As soon as the new task begins, your daily point counter resets, but you can always check your overall amount in the Rating tab.
Note: points aren’t earned from items purchased for gold, received as a gift from a friend or gained from leveling up. Items purchased as part of promotions, gained from completing tasks or made before a contest aren’t counted either.
In any event, tasks are always chosen in such a way that you can complete them no matter what your level.
At the end of each Contest, you earn an additional prize if you place in the top 10 best farmers.
Note: this prize is awarded on Sunday.
Craftsman points help make it so farm buildings and farmhouse items never break. Remember: you keep these points after the end of each Contest, so you save them up gradually.
The special timer on the left side of your screen shows how long till the end of the Contest.
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