Amount of food to travel: 35
Louis is a perfect father, living with his daughter Amy. He teaches her to be self-sufficient and is not afraid of giving her important assignments, still worrying when she’s not around for too long though. When Louis is not with his daughter, he works as a courier and he’s very, very good at it. Sadly, the luck wasn’t with him lately — he got into a bandit trap and all his goods got stolen. Of course, his daughter decided to get some help for him straight away. Amy is a little girl who is more responsible than most of the adults around. She lives with her father, Louis King. He works as a courier so she often travels with him across the state. This time she was sick though, and couldn’t join him for his new assignment. There haven’t been any news from him for two days, so she decides to find him no matter what it takes. Robert is an old veteran and an expert in explosives. He was working at a local mine until it got closed. Since then, he lives a quiet life with his dog, Nugget. Nugget is Robert’s dog that loves to steal his ear trumpet from time to time and hide it somewhere. Hates hunting snares. Frederick was born and raised in Tennessee, but after committing a series of crimes he had to leave his home. In the end, he decided to shelter in Dakota.Louis King
Amy King
Robert Wilson
Frederick Cook
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