Trip cost: 15 food
Resources: Wood, Bark
Delivery: Wood х 10, bark every 2 hours.
Castor Brook used to be a marshal of the court in Blackwood before he became a sheriff. The local authorities offered him this position after he took down the leader of a group of bandits terrorizing the southern highway. Most criminals familiar with the new sheriff’s stern temper choose to keep their distance, lest they end up on his bad side. Castor has a wide network of influential ties, along with an army of informants working for him in the criminal underworld. For a gruelling 5 years in the goldmines he came home every night empty handed, until one day his luck finally changed. The massive gold nugget he dug up simultaneously dug him out of his crippling debt, and also funded the purchase of the long-beloved Wandering Fox bar. So the old saying still has some truth to it: dreams really do come true! Life is full of ups and downs. Just ask Earl, he knows a thing or two about cruel twists of fate. Previously a successful entrepreneur, carpenter and builder, in just a single afternoon he lost his job and all his friends. Nowadays, old man Earl irks out a living going fishing, spending everything he makes on poker. Is he angry or just sad? His face never says for certain. Looks can be deceiving: behind those old, thick-framed glasses lies a financial genius who managed to buy a huge plot of land from local Indians using her deceased husband’s fortune. Meet Barbara Moore! A cunningly shrewd businesswoman, albeit with an unusual endgame in mind: to build a mansion for all her cats to live in. Fourty-two of them, to be exact. Three words are enough to describe Ms. Clayton in a nutshell: cunning, spry and dangerous. Never take her words at face value... In fact, it’s best to just keep your distance. Rumor has it she isn’t who she says she is. Ron’s heart belongs to the sawmill: from his earliest years he used to help his dad process wood, and even after it all burned down he never lost hope of rebooting the family business. Now the sawmill has been running strong for 10 years, and the late Mr. Taggard can finally rest easy. Ron’s business is booming, even despite some minor disputes with fisherman Earl about the mill’s waste polluting the lake. Sheriff Castor Brook
Joshua Simmons
Barbara Moore
Cindy Clayton
Ron Taggard
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