mount of food to travel: 20
Obtainable items: Clay, Plaster
Produces: Clay x25, Plaster x6 every 2h
Migizi is the head shaman of his tribe, using secret knowledge of talking to spirits to make his land prosperous. Unfortunately, it’s getting harder and harder to make them listen in the time of industrial revolution. Ohiteka quickly adapted to colonial capitalism, setting up a clay extraction quarry and soon becoming one of the most successful businessmen of Dakota. The complete lack of prejudice helped him with building, but a series of natural phenomena interrupted the work of the quarry and seriously shaken his faith in his tribe’s beliefs. There is nothing more important for Susie Roftson than scientific research... and her little sister Clarissa who she has to take with herself to every expedition, as the girl only listens to Susie. The Indians call her “The One Collecting Stones”. In fact, her job is a lot more sophisticated — Susie studies various rocks, monitors changes to the landscape and explores mineral deposits. Ending up without parents as a baby, Clara became very attached to her older sister, who became her as a mother. Clarissa follows her everywhere, carefully analyzing each and every thing Susie does and repeating it through play. Clarissa loves candies and her toys, which are often tools of her older sister. Professor Karter is not young, but when it comes to an expedition he gets wonderfully transformed. Not a single trace remains from the old professor — Edward becomes an endless source of scientific inspiration, enthusiasm and energy.Migizi
Susie Roftson
Clarissa Roftson
Edward Karter
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